Judi and Dennis formed ETSI in 1988. Together they combined well over three decades of service and experience in education, leadership training and student travel to provide high quality, educational experiences to students through travel. Now (mostly) retired, they are enjoying opportunities to travel on their own, spend time with friends and enjoy their grandchildren, Jackson, Amelia, Maddie and Max.
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Katie began traveling with her parents, Dennis and Judi, as a student. In 1998 she began working at ETSI, overseeing the development of new tours and supervising staff and general operations. As President, she brings renewed vision to further the opportunities ETSI offers today’s youth through travel. In her free time, Katie loves cooking, working out, and spending time with her children, Jackson and Amelia.
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Julie has been part of the business pretty much since birth. Daughter of the owners, the travel bug bit her early. She loves providing tours to students and sharing her love of travel and history. When not planning music tours or handling the financial side of the business, she can be found with her children–riding horses, skiing and of course, traveling!
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Susan began traveling with students in 2005 as a middle school teacher. She believes wholeheartedly in expanding student learning through travel and exploring the world outside of the classroom. Susan joined ETSI in 2017 and is excited to be part of a team providing educational travel to students. She loves spending time with her grown sons, reading, photography and is always ready for a good road trip.
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